Wednesday I said bubye to Paris and dragged my sorry self and huge bag to Montparnasse. Left my bag in a locker and indulged in a quick shopping frenzy before jumping on the train. Then Angers. Herveline bought a lovely house with her husband in downtown Angers and I got my OWN ROOM! Paradise. Thursday morning when I woke up Herveline informed me that her grandmother had passed away during the night and that she was going to have to leave ASAP. So much for all our plans. Oh well, these things happen. Now I'm reorganizing my trip, trying to figure out where I want to go over the next few days. She's only leaving tomorrow, so I did have Thursday to get lost in Angers (tried to find the castle and somehow didn't get there) and today we went to Saumur. Gorgeous. We visited the castle, checked out some wacky underground
scuptures, and admired the river. A perfect day. The rain started as we were heading back to Angers so we're hanging out at home with the kidlets. Tomorrow I should be able to do some more visiting.
when I have a chance I'll put some more photos up. Most of them seem a bit fuzzy, which is probably due to my inability to figure out Sophia's camera. Well at least the memories are sharp and clear.
more news soon. I smooch you.
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